New LWETB funding to help youth projects
Longford and Westmeath Education and Training Board (LWETB) is delighted to announced recent new funding approvals from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to youth projects and clubs across Longford and Westmeath.
Capital funding towards small scale improvements, health and safety upgrades and the purchase of equipment totalling €54,540 has been approved for Longford Youth Services, Foróige Athlone and the Athlone and Mullingar Youth Projects.
New funding has also been awarded through LWETB for additional youth worker hours in the ACT Gateway Project Athlone and the Mullingar Youth Project. Speaking following the recent announcements, Maria Fox, Youth Development Officer with LWETB commended the work of the local youth projects and staff for “their innovation and energy throughput the pandemic and their ongoing provision of vital youth work supports to some of the most marginal and disadvantaged young people in our communities”.
A further €59,171 has also been allocated to 26 voluntary youth clubs and groups across Longford and Westmeath for 2021.
Liz Lavery, Chief Executive with LWETB stressed the growing importance of the Youth Work Function in LWETB referring to the year-on-year funding increase and how the Youth Work Unit is on course to administer 11 individual funding schemes totalling close to €1million in 2021. More importantly, according to Ms. Lavery, “the work we support benefits up to 850 individual young people weekly across Longford and Westmeath and complements their formal, academic or vocational education and training”.
Images above are courtesy of County Longford Youth Service, FAI Athlone, ACT Gateway Project Athlone, Foroige Athlone and Youth Work Ireland Midlands Projects Mullingar and Athlone. They showcase some of the programmes and activities provided by LWETB funded youth services during July and August 2021.
For further information contact:
LWETB Youth Work Unit at [email protected] or call Maria Fox, 086 3839451