Quality Assurance Development

LWETB is committed to developing new quality assurance policies and procedures in line with our strategic goals and priorities as outlined in LWETB’s Statement of Strategy and in line with the requirements of QQI’s Core Statutory QA Guidelines. 

The LWETB Quality Assurance policies, procedures and processes of provide an agreed framework for quality assurance that is implemented by staff and overseen by the FET QA governance system.


The Further Education and Training Quality System was launched in 2019 to work on aligning FET policies and procedures. The FETQS Unit have developed its own brand within LWETB so as to recognise the alignment of FET Quality Assurance. The remit of FETQS is to develop, enhance and build on a quality culture/environment within our centres; for staff, stakeholders and learners. The scope of this work includes the cultivation and implementation of a strong foundation and structure of a quality system. It is the responsibility of FETQS to ensure that QA integrates into the workings of all our service and standards while also contributing to a continuous improvement framework.

FETQS aim to meet the needs of our ETBs strategic objectives, national standards and guidelines. FETQS are also tasked with providing support, training and continuous improvement objectives as set out by our LWETB Quality Governance Group (QGG), Programme Governance Group (PGG) and approving these through the Quality Oversight Group (QOG).

It is through ensuring Quality Assurance that we guide and facilitate the delivery of LWETBs Mission and Vision statements as communicated to all stakeholders. In line with our Mission, Vision and Strategy Statement, it is our commitment to continuously improve the quality of the learner’s experience. We do this by aligning our service and provision ensuring an experience that is relevant, meaningful, valid and consistent. Included in this is a fit-for-purpose assessment, whether that be through accreditation or non-accreditation.


QA Contact Information

Karen Moore – QA Programme Review and Development

Olive Flaherty – QA Apprenticeship, Contracted Training and Other Awarding Bodies

Rayon Farrell – QA FE Centres, Community Providers and ATC In-Centre

Tel: 090 6424289
Email: [email protected]